Inside Out: Hidden Benefits of Taking Anatomy & Physiology

“Knowledge is potential, action is power.” — Tony Robbins

It’s no secret that healthy choices enable a higher quality of life. Scientific research has demonstrated that when you choose to work out regularly and eat wholesome food, you feel better and live longer. Modern biologists have also mapped out the inner workings of the human organism and how it is affected by exercise and nutrition.

Although everyone utilizes all of the systems within their body, many people are unaware of how they work. Taking an anatomy and physiology course can inform you in great detail about how the mechanics within your body operate.

In your efforts to live a healthy life, it is possible to understand how your choices are affecting your cardiovascular condition, your skeletal system and the rest of your internal dynamics — assigning deeper relevance to your general overall health.

Taking an anatomy course online is an excellent way to stay updated on the dynamics of your body systems work together to maintain homeostasis. The benefits from taking this course go beyond the online classroom. You will be able to apply this to your own health and have an added edge of being informed on the mechanics of the human heart.

The Heart of the Matter

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and has been for many years. For this reason, it is especially crucial for health-minded people to understand how the cardiovascular system operates.

In this course, you will learn about the four chambers of the heart that make up the left and the right sides — known as the left heart and the right heart. Each are comprised of an atrium and a ventricle regulated by one-way flowing valves.

You will understand how the superior and inferior vena cava deliver oxygen-deficient blood to the right heart which then pumps it into the lungs where it becomes re-oxygenated. This blood is then delivered to the left heart that pumps it back out to the body through the aorta.

This information can help you better appreciate how your efforts in exercise are affecting your heart in positive ways. For example, endurance-based exercise such as running, cycling and swimming cause a condition known as Eccentric Hypertrophy — AKA runner’s heart.

Eccentric Hypertrophy is an adaptation defined by an increase in heart muscle mass, specifically the left ventricular chamber. Your heart can then pump greater quantities of blood throughout the body. Increased circulation means that greater volumes of nutrition can be delivered to every part of your body, promoting optimal health and expediting healing in the event of injury.

Should you choose to engage in high intensity training such as resistance activities like weightlifting, you will be able to understand the benefits of a condition known as Concentric Hypertrophy.

Concentric Hypertrophy is defined by an increase in heart muscle mass, allowing more blood to move throughout the body during times of high-pressure resistance. This means that you can perform intense activities for longer periods of time without “running out of gas.” When you understand the heart and what makes it stronger, it’ll be easier to get motivated for a workout.

This course will also help you visualize exactly how certain foods affect the heart in negative and positive ways. A diet too heavy in certain foods fills the arteries with cholesterol causing a condition called atherosclerosis — a form of heart disease. A diet abundant in vegetables, fruits, berries and fish keeps bad cholesterol down and blood flowing unencumbered.

Getting Down to the Bones of Anatomy and Physiology

A comprehensive anatomy and physiology course will also inform you on the mechanical workings of your skeleton and how exercise affects it in positive ways.

For example, running, weightlifting and other types of exercise increase your body’s production of synovial fluid. This oil-like substance keeps the cartilage within your joints well lubricated and healthy so that your bones don’t rub together and wear down. Being able to visualize this through the course material will give you invaluable motivation to exercise for the sake of your skeletal health.

You will also learn about how the bones in every joint are held together by ligaments. These tissues are directly affected by the positive stress that exercise places on them. This causes them to increase in mass over time and become stronger so that your joints bend properly.

Understanding skeletal anatomy can profoundly inform your choice to exercise, given that maintaining healthy ligaments will allow you to have an active lifestyle and be less prone to injury.

What More to Expect from an Online Anatomy and Physiology Course

In addition to teaching you about the human cardiovascular and skeletal systems, an anatomy and physiology course leads you through detailed descriptions of every system in the human body.

These other configurations include the digestive system, the endocrine system, the immune system, the lymphatic system, the reproductive system, the nervous system, the urinary system, skin and other tissues and cell structure and regeneration.

The online anatomy and physiology course provided by Corexcel is designed for busy professionals who want to further their education on the human body at their own convenience. Classes can be completed during your evenings, weekends, and lunch hours — whenever you have spare time. Instructional packages are available with or without textbooks, a medical dictionary and a study guide.

When you purchase the fully accredited course, you will have access to the materials and tests for one full year — allowing you to complete your studies at your own pace. Upon completion with an average of 70% or better, you will have earned a total of 9.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). You can submit the details of the course to your institution before enrolling to ensure CEUs will be accepted and applied.

The online anatomy course is designed for people of all post-secondary education levels, including those with little prior knowledge of biology, anatomy or physiology. Learning is encouraged through full-color art, audio presentations and animation segments reinforced by quizzes, games, multiple exercises and tests.

Contact us by email or call 1-800-658-6641 if you would like to boost your knowledge of your own body, how it works and why taking care of it has exponential benefits by enrolling in the Corexcel Online Anatomy and Physiology Course.