Everything DiSC® Profiles Assess DiSC Styles Related to Sales, Management & Workplace
Everything DiSC® is a library of research-validated online profile assessments designed to help professionals communicate more effectively with those around them. Using the DiSC theory, the Everything DiSC employee personality assessment system provides insight into people's behavior, helping them understand and connect with others more effectively.
The Everything DiSC Profile System focuses on key aspects of any successful organization, including:
- Communication
- Conflict
- Emotional Intelligence
- Sales
- Management
- Leadership
Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile: $90.00

- Discover your DiSC style
- Understand the DiSC style of others
- Build more effective employee relationships
Everything DiSC Agile EQ Profile: $150.00

- Recognize DiSC styles and your instinctive mindset patterns.
- Be self-aware and maintain control of your responses in emotional settings.
- Improve your adaptability when communicating with coworkers.
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile: $120.00

- Learn how to respond in conflict situations.
- Discover communication strategies for efficiently dealing with conflict.
- Improve your awareness of the destructive and the productive behaviors that are typical with different DiSC personality styles.
Everything DiSC Sales Profile: $150.00

- Understand DiSC sales styles
- Identify and understand customers' DiSC purchasing styles
- Adapt your style to meet customer needs
Everything DiSC Management Profile: $150.00

- Understand and improve your management style
- Communicate effectively
- Improve employee engagement
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®: $150.00

- Understand leadership best practices
- Identify your DiSC Leadership style
- Become a more flexible, successful leader
Group Reports & Free Online DiSC Supplemental Reports
Each Everything DiSC profile is designed to work together. Group reports and free supplemental reports can be generated to include participants who have taken any Everything DiSC profile.
Reliability – Adaptive Testing
The Everything DiSC System incorporates Adaptive Testing (AT) software commonly found in the most contemporary psychological assessments available. AT provides the employee personality assessment taker with questions based on their previous questions and answers. AT is important because it shortens assessment time and provides the most precise DiSC reports on the market.
Benefits of Adaptive Testing
- Expansive collection of valuable information for profiles & reports
- DiSC styles identified with more precision
- Shortened, customized assessment
- Unusual DiSC styles are accounted for
- Resolution of conflicting DiSC styles
Call 1-888-658-6641 (U.S. only), 1-302-477-9730 (outside U.S.) or send an email through our contact form to request additional information on Everything DiSC Profiles or the corresponding trainer materials.
"Everything DiSC" and "Everything DiSC Work of Leaders" are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.