An In-depth Look at Our Online Anatomy & Physiology Course

For many future healthcare careers, a foundation in anatomy and physiology is essential. Beginning with an introduction to the organization, structures, and functions of the human body, the Corexcel course will provide the very building blocks you’ll need to succeed. You will be able to take a closer look at common diseases, disorders, and conditions that will help you better understand the needs of patients or administration.

Among the benefits of taking the Corexcel anatomy and physiology course online is the self-paced nature of the experience. Students can tailor their study to their own learning style as well as go back and review any section before taking the final test. The ability to balance learning with your lifestyle and to learn at your own pace will be critical to your ultimate success in the anatomy and physiology course.

Our goals are to ensure that students meet their educational needs across these five basics of anatomy and physiology:

  1. Medical Terminology – the language used to describe human anatomy and related functions. Terms are often made up of Latin or Greek root words, prefixes, and suffixes. These can be difficult to learn, so additional study support is available and encouraged.
  2. Major Body Systems – an overview and detailed study of the interconnected systems of the body and how they function. For instance, you’ll learn the cardiovascular system and the nervous system as well as how these systems work together.
  3. Common Pathologies – common diseases medical professionals face most often. While there are more advanced opportunities to learn pathology, in the anatomy and physiology course you’ll learn some of the more common conditions.
  4. Homeostasis – how the body systems work together to maintain good physical health. When a system has reached homeostasis, everything is in good working order. The anatomy and physiology course can help you spot small deviations.
  5. Effects of Aging – how each part of the body and the major body systems are affected by aging. You’ll see specific pathologies that might affect older adults to give you an idea of how to spot and treat these conditions in the future.

The Corexcel online anatomy and physiology course also offers study support. Special features include glossaries, digital flashcards, games, quizzes to practice and the ability to create custom study guides. Our blog provides a number of support materials for your learning including study tips for easier learning.

As with any medical related coursework, additional study support to increase retention may help in your success. Some creative options include coloring books, apps for smart phones and tablets, digital models, crosswords, and additional study guides.

If you are you considering taking an anatomy and physiology course and want to learn more, visit our website or call us at 1-888-658-6641. We are here to help.