PXT Select Assessment FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) PXT Select Employee Hiring Assessment

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The average completion time is approximately one hour. Completion times vary based on the candidate and how deliberate they are when they answer the assessment questions. We recommend candidates complete the assessment in one sitting when they can devote their full attention to answering the assessment questions.
Currently PXT Select is only available in English; other languages may be developed in the future. You may join our mailing list to receive notifications about product upgrades. We will announce the release of new languages through our mailing list, the Corexcel website, the Corexcel blog and our social media channels.
Only one! This is one of the exciting features of PXT Select. You can use it with as few or as many candidates as you would like. You can also use it with multiple positions. A single candidate can be compared to one, or multiple positions, for the same price.
PXT Select not only includes the assessment itself, but it also includes a suite of reports that are available at any point in that individual’s employment. You can get a comparison report between management and employee, a coaching report, a report for multiple positions within the company, and many other features. For a complete list, visit our PXT Select page.
Ordering a PXT Select assessment is simple. You can place your order through the PXT Select page on our website. Once we receive your order, you will receive an email requesting information for the candidate and the position they are applying for. Once we have a name and email address, we issue the assessment invitation. The candidate completes their assessment and then we compare those results to the performance model that matches the position the are applying for and email you the results.
PXT Select is an adaptive test. This means that some portions of the test will include questions that gradually become more difficult. This is done to more accurately determine an individual’s level of expertise on a subject. Once the answers have become too difficult, it will automatically adjust according to the person’s knowledge.
Corexcel does not share any information provided to us with any other entities. In addition, the platform used to complete the assessments uses appropriate physical, technical and administrative safeguards to protect your data. Access to your personal data will be restricted to only those who need to know that information and required to perform their job function.
It is acceptable for a candidate to use a calculator on the numerical portion of the assessment. However, no outside resources such as the internet, dictionary, thesaurus, etc. should be used to assist the candidate in properly answering questions.
A performance model is a template of preferred results for a given job position. It is then compared to the candidate’s responses to see if they fall in the expected range of results you were looking for on that particular performance model. There are many performance models already available in our library that have been created based on the results of individuals who have been successful in specific positions. You also have the ability to customize your own performance model based on specific roles in your organization.
While there isn’t a set perfect score, 70% or higher is generally considered an acceptable overall fit score. You must keep in mind that PXT Select is designed to give hiring professionals insight into and confidence in their hiring process. A candidate’s experience and interview process, as well as other factors, should also play a key role in determining overall fit.
No, your candidates do not need to prepare for the assessment. The intent is to gauge their current knowledge and abilities.
As with all assessments, candidates may attempt to answer questions in a manner that tries to make them look more desirable. PXT Select includes a measure for "distortion" which indicates a candidate's level of candor while responding to the assessment. If distortion is identified more weight should be placed on interview questions. PXT Select provides you with suggested interview questions and things to look for during an applicant’s response.
As with any assessment, you should make sure the publisher is reputable and transparent in the reporting of their research study results. Information should be available on elements such as scoring, reliability, validity, and adherence to US Department of Labor regulations. Research study results for this assessment can be found in the PXT Select Research Report.
While there is a little setup time involved, PXT Select will certainly cut time from your hiring process going forward. It's a mostly automated process that's easy complete. The reports you receive are user-friendly and the key information is highlighted so you can access what you need quickly and efficiently. The interview questions alone will save a lot of time as they explain what to ask and what to watch out for when the candidate responds.
If you choose to use a hiring assessment tool, the assessment should never count for more than 1/3 of the selection process. You should also consider the candidate's interview, their experience and other factors, depending on the position. You should also look at places where the candidate does not fit to determine how much additional training will be involved. Use your best judgement. Some things are less critical for the job while other characteristics may be trainable or coachable. The decision ultimately lies with you.
We all want to hire the brightest and best people. PXT Select provides objective data to help make that decision easier. The information includes how candidates process information, communicate, solve problems and behave. The vast majority of this information cannot be extracted during an interview. PXT Select will take that information and provide it to you in a concise report that includes interview questions and things to look for as the candidate responds. Interviews will always remain an extremely important part of the hiring process. However, your interviews will be shorter and your reports will contain customized interview questions to ask.

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Call our offices 1-888-658-6641 during normal business hours 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST, M - F or send your question through our contact form. One of our representatives will gladly answer your question.

"PXT Select" is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.